How to Connect With Your Kids After School

Transitioning from school to home can be challenging—so can getting your child to open up after a long day. Our Hopscotch contributor, Dr. April Duncan, shares an easy exercise that encourages your kid to share (and to have a snack too!)

Want more? Get access to all of our back-to-school content!

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Dr. April Duncan Registered Play Therapist Supervisor & Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Attend our Back-to-School Virtual Event

We’re hosting a live virtual event to address parents and kids' anxieties, from helping your kids feel safe during uncertain times to minimizing the worry that often accompanies big transitional moments.

We’re hosting a live virtual event to address parents and kids' anxieties, from helping your kids feel safe during uncertain times to minimizing the worry that often accompanies big transitional moments.


Join us for a conversation with Hopscotch’s Chief Clinical Officer
Dr. Sourav Sengupta & Hopscotch Educator Dr. Stacia’ Alexander
as they offer advice and take questions on all things back-to-school.


Friday, September 16
12-2pm EST

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